Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dating and dogs

I have been welcoming 2009 for quite some time now as '08 was a year of constant change and learning. Not only did I begin a new career and deal with a five and a half year relationship break-up, but also was a complete novice to the dating scene. Looking back I'm actually quite impressed at how many fellows I did end up sharing some moments with over the year, though obviously to no avail as here I am still single, yet a little wiser than I was a year ago. I have learned that the older I get the pickier I get. The no brainers are that they must have a car, a college degree, a legit job (you'd be amazed at how many pot growers there are in my town), have a good sense of humor, have a similar political viewpoint and respect for the earth as I do. Some more personal prerequisites are no children from previous relationships (at least not yet, as i get older I may reconsider this one), an interest in eating healthy- organic, local, food awareness and of course not only must they like my dogs, but if they have dogs of their own, our dogs MUST get along. Interestingly enough, this last one has been my hardest challenge. Pretty much every fellow that I've dated here has had a dog. A couple of those dogs did not like Ash. Of course, I don't blame them as Ash gets in their faces and asserts himself. he turns from mellow cardigan to ADHD cardigan in seconds. He mounts and he spazzes out which turns the other dog growling and snapping every time we try to do anything. I think Ash has even managed to scare some decent potential dating material away due to these scenarios. Looking back, I think I only dated one guy over the summer who didn't have a dog and it made things so much easier!!!! I'm almost even considering that as a pre-req no kids or no dogs!!


Kady Cannon said...

"you'd be amazed at how many pot growers there are in my town"

Uh . . . probably not. But then I live in the hills of Southern Oregon.

Traci said...

dating is a pain in the butt... that's all i'm gonna say. I totally hear your dilemma.... they MUST like the dogs... if they don't, it's a deal breaker for me :) I can commiserate honey :)

Kim said...

If they don't show up with pockets full of dog biscuits "kick 'em to the curb!"

Traci said...

I actually had one "first date" that I TOOK a dog (Dakota). We met at a park. It was a test to see how the guy would react to my dog... he was totally cool with it. Plus, I figured if the guy tried to take me behind a shed and rape me, Kota would kick his ass ;-)