Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ouchy puppy!

Mr Ashman has a compound fracture of his fifth digit (our pinky) and unfortunately is so bad that he needs to wear a splint for the next 4 - 8 weeks!! It so sad to see him hobble around and he wants to play soooo bad. I just had one dog on the mend and now this. Figures!!!!!


Kim said...

OK, who broke my Ashman?

Baledwr said...

Poor Ash Pilot and Phoebe know exactly how he feels..

Baledwr said...
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Kady Cannon said...


I heard from Belinda that Alvin pulled out a toenail and broke a toe yesterday. Somehow. And that they had to do a partial amputation of the digit.

How do they do these things to themselves? Hugs to Ash and to you.

starrynights said...

Oh no! Pooy Ash. I hope he's on the mend soon. I have pics of Caleb at around 5 months old with a similar bandage when he got his growth plate fractured by my border's psycho horse. It's so hard to keep them quiet when they're ouchy. *hugs*